Monday, May 26, 2014

Win or Fail…Its All Good!

Here's the key!

In business, as business owners there is often a lot of pressure upon us, right?  Every decision we make can either make or break our company…so we think?  It can be as simple as signing an invoice for merchandise we don’t know if we need, to implementing an idea that we are not sure is going to work?  And then do these decisions work in alignment with our VISION and MISSION?  Does it fall in line with the SMART goals we set?  Do we need to reevaluate the decision in front of us or do we reevaluate the entire VISION?  Too many questions and not enough answers.

We talked about FEAR – Facing Everything About Resisting

We know it exists but we know now that this is a constant so we are going to move on from that. We have tackled that bully!   Right now you have to make a decision based on a smart goals you have set.  It sometimes easier said than done.  It is all written on paper but now comes the time for implementation.  And sometimes it is the smallest step but the most significant.  To top it off, you have get going one way or the other because time is of the essence.
So here what we need to do?  Here comes another acronym that you may have seen in developing your business plan.  Well it comes in handy here as well.  With every decision you embark on you should consider its SWOT. 

Strength    What is good about the decision?  Is this going to bring you closer to what you want to accomplish in the long run.  This 1st step for instance to incorporate your company.  This will protect you from liability and finalize your commitment to this venture.  We know filing the paper work is one of the smart goals now to put pen the paper.

Weakness   What is the worst that can happen?  If this doesn’t work then what would be the fall out? Plan your plan B now…you don’t always want to think the worse but for two minutes…just think what is the worst that can happen and how will you recover.  The worse in this case, you change you change your mind and you are out of the funding for filing the paperwork.

Opportunities What is going to come out this? How wonderful is this going to be for your company?  What are the possibilities once this decision is made and followed through?  Becoming incorporated puts you on the map as a legitimate business and protects from liability and provides tax benefits. This is huge.  Will this make you do a happy dance?

Threats Who and what can come in and jeopardize your business from this decision? Identify specifically those issues, people, places and things that can hurt or sabotage this decision follow through.  Know who your opponents are so you can seek and destroy… (she smiles).

IMPORTANT!  You are NOT ALONE!  Every business has the same conflict; Fortune 500 companies to the corner store manager.  I can advise you….you will ALWAYS have these type of decisions to make…isn’t that comforting?  But that is okay because you have decided to build this business because you believe it in…because you have a vision and it is clear to you.  Use this method and then use some of your gut.  Go with your inner thoughts as well but it never hurts to seek insight from trusted resources as well.  When in doubt, when going through your SWOT…RESEARCH!  Find out what others have done in the same process and network with like minds, knowledge is power and there NOTHING wrong with asking!  The worse question is the one you don’t ask.   It may work or it may fail.  The key is to identify from each WIN and FAIL…what is the lesson learned.  Each decision you make regardless will help you advance to the next level.  That which makes us stronger…REMEMBER THAT!  And remember a fail is a win because in it is a lesson!

Next Blog – Branding 101!
Leslie Crudup for the Business Liaisons – Business and Life Coaching

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