Monday, May 12, 2014


You are SMARTER than you think!

Every business owner has a dream right?  The big vision!  The ultimate plan to develop and build a successful business venture that will then answer all of our wishes.   Building this business will clear you from debt? Take you on the much needed vacation.  Secure financing for children’s education and livelihood.   Maybe your dream is to be stress free just doing something you love.  To be able to control your own hours so you can walk on the beach whenever you want?  Or have the time to spend with your family more often.


Vague has not place here.  You have to be detailed in what it is you want or you are sure to miss the target.  Goals should be specific so you can focus your efforts on obtaining detailed and expected results.  Details leave


You can’t tell where you are going unless you know where you have been.  It is not just important to focus on a goal but to be able to tell if you are on track with them.  Your main goal is always made up of mini short term goals. Know what they are so you can give yourself credit for each and every accomplishment.


Goals have to be attainable.  Sometimes from a distance we can’t always see if this is the case.  This is why it is important to continually assess if the goal you have is one that you can really obtain. This is where you may need to reevaluate what your skills are, or maybe your finances or anything that you will need readily to reach your goal.


Let’s be for real…really.  Let’s be for real!  Goals have to be realistic. It is okay to give ourselves challenges but we don’t want to set up for failure either. It is important to set goals that are realistic, however, not necessarily so simple that they will pose no challenge.


Timeliness is next to accomplishment!  It is all about timing and putting an end date to each task so you can assure yourself the final goal is on its way.  When we fail to set a time to things, we are more easily persuaded to move them out.  We don’t really commit and a goal just continues to get further away from us.  Challenge yourself to use time to keep on track.  Here is where being realistic goes hand in hand with being timely as well.

SMART Goals work for any goal, personal or business. Below is an example of a SMART Goal in action.


Broad Goal: I want to start a business.

  • Specific: I will sell handmade cards through
  • Measurable: I will be ready to take my first Etsy order within four weeks, and I will aim to sell a minimum of five cards per week.
  • Attainable: I will get set up on Etsy first. Then, I will build an inventory of 30 handmade cards to sell. Finally, I will promote my business and build customer relationships through word of mouth, referrals and local networking.
  • Realistic: Selling handmade cards will allow me to benefit financially from my favorite hobby.
  • Timely: My Etsy store will be up and running within four weeks, and I will have an inventory of 30 cards to sell within six weeks.

How did I write my SMART goals.

1)     I started writing down what I would like to do with my life in the next year. I wrote down anything and everything so I could get my thoughts down on paper.  I mixed business and personal and had a brainstorming session.

2)     I then categorized them – just labeled each one personal or business.  You can even highlight the personal in one color and the other in another. 

3)     I then crossed off those goals that I knew REALISTICALLY would or could take me longer then the timeframe that I sent.  E.g. You are not being realistic if you think you are going to lose 100 lbs. in 3 months.

4)     I rewrote my goals on two different documents – One for personal and one for business.

5)     Now this part takes time but if you want to seriously make the achievement you have to dedicate the thought process up front so it is attainable.

6)     I took each goal and attempted to supply the SMART techniques.  For each goal, ask yourself. Is it specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and timely?  If yes, the goal stays, if not then you need to cross it off or update it.

7)     THE MOST IMPORTANT PIECE.  MAKE THEM VISIBLE so you see them every day. I literally tape mine to my lamp on my desk so I have to read them.   But you can make them your screensaver, put them on your refrigerator or tape next to your VISION board or calendar!  You want to have them where you are FORCED to see them and respond to them.  This way you will not fall victim to OUT OF SIGHT, OUT OF MND.

It does not matter if there are more personal than business goals or vice versa. The important thing if they are in front of you now and hitting you on the head every day. 

SMART GOALS are not so set in stone either.  It is perfectly okay and actually preferred that you visit your smart goals often, say every other week or month.   Do you want to change it entirely?  Not necessarily but it is okay to TWEEK it if need be.  Sometimes right out the gate you can be ambitious and then the 1st week in realize the task at hand.  Perfectly natural BECAUSE no ONE is perfect.   The key is to take action and get moving on them.  If you fall, get up and if you need to realign the strategy, that is fine too.

I also HIGHLY recommend documenting….write in a journal or audio.  I know writing is more therapeutic but if you are pressed just refer to audio.  Express your accomplishments and challenges whenever you can.   You have to be your own cheerleader. ALWAYS!

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