Saturday, August 2, 2014

It Starts with a Seed!

So here we go!  I mentioned I was going to go down the funding trail. I am going to build a crowdfunding project and just watch and see where this is going.  The intention is that as go or grow we all are in the know!  I am going down a trail that could fall or fail but I am hopeful with the research I have put in and still putting in this can be an exercise that all of us will grow from.
I was of course happy to read that the 1st thing is to do my homework.  Plan ahead, research and know going in what you want to do.  I decided that I want to have my children’s book published but I know that I will need the money to secure the publishing costs for hiring an illustrator, publishing and distribution.  In researching some companies in regards to costs for the sake of this blog I will tell you it is going range from 1100 to 2000 dollars.  So I am in the process of putting together my financial layout of cost and variables.  Every investor is going to want to know what the project costs so they can then assess their profit margin.  And it give a gauge to entice investors.   But more on that later.
Research.   There are sites that have different requirements and some are more restrictive than others.  However everyone is familiar with Kick starter, Indiegogo and GoFundme.   I will focus on Kickstarter primarily and where need be I can point out references to the other two popular sites.
Putting up a site is easy, getting people to come there and be interested and want to invest their money is another!  The book I am reading states the key is to research and plan accordingly.   We know this in business as usual of course.  The key however is in doing this research you will continually need to build a foundation and a case as to why someone should, could and would want to invest in a project that you have in mind.  It is not enough to have someone that just likes you.  You can be the most likeable person in world.  If someone is going to invest they are looking for a return none the less.   That return can be anything from a form of paraphernalia to monetary returns.
Follow along with me if you like….do you have a project of business venture that you would like to engage in but you know there are start funds needed
·         Visit the 3 sites and look for projects similar to yours.
·         Assess what you liked about their site
·         What di d you NOT like about their site
·         How well are they doing
·         How long have they been around
·         Is there a common amount pledged?
·         Are there reward levels (what are they giving investors for donations)?
While doing this research you also want to map out the following.  I purchased a book for reference as there are many but this one spoke to me.  The book is entitled Get Funded, by Nicole Delger.   I love this book because it is an easy read and it provides you with a worksheet and week by week details on building and soliciting your campaign. You can access easily online as well.   I am excited to see how this works for me.   If you follow along with your project we can see how we both fair with the book’s insightfulness.
The worksheet included asked some very poignant questions as well that are crucial to funding success.   Have a clear vision, mission and mindset as to what you want to obtain will ensure you stay on focus and will assure your investors that you are about business with a clear strategy.
·         Why are you making this project?
·         Why does it benefit the world?
·         What are your blood, sweat and tears of resourcing are you putting into this project?
·         Why do you need this money?
·         Who is your target audience?
·         Why should they take interest and what is the incentive for them?
Take assessment with the question below and meet back here for next steps!   This should be fun!!!
I will post my results in one week…visit back and I will share with you!
Leslie Crudup for the Business Liaisons – Business Coaching and Consulting

Thursday, July 17, 2014

 It's CROWDED in Here!

So as I mentioned in my last blog, I want to take us on a journey that I think many business owners may find themselves venturing, crowdfunding.   Crowdfunding is basically looking for people to invest in your business, project or venture.  It a way to secure capital from people that are solely interested in what you are doing.   These folks are your investors.  They believe in your project so much so that they wish to help you build upon it and achieve the goals have set in regards.  As would a traditional investor, they would like to know of course that their investment will pay off of course and they want to know how and when.  They are certainly putting more at stake as opposed to a traditional investor who knows your financial status, your ability to repay back funds invested and even if not they know how to find you and your assets!
Crowdfunding is a form of fundraising…in that there is a project or business idea and multiple people that are interested in it and they decided to invest in the project.  So it is literally a method of fundraising however you can best believe your investor are looking for tangible and measureable and personal returns.
Now there some sites that lend to crowdfunding for all type of projects.  Fundraising for various goals that do not necessarily have to pertain to business. is specifically for this type of fundraising.  There are a number of projects found on here from business owners to individuals.  People of raising funds for a cause, for personal. I mentioned the more popular ones last blog and for sake of this project we will engage in a couple.
Here are some interesting facts and numbers about the global effect of crowdfunding from the eFundingreport:
·         More than $57,000 is pledged to a crowdfunding campaign somewhere in the world every hour of every day.
·         The five most popular categories of successful crowdfunding campaigns are gaming, technology, design, film and music.
·         Rewards-based campaigns on Kickstarter successfully fund 42.8 percent of the time. On Indiegogo, the success rate is 14.4 percent.
·         The average number of backers of a successful Kickstarter campaign is 255.
·         An average of 325 new crowdfunding campaigns launch every day.

So therein lies a few good reason why it should be a good idea to look into crowdfunding, right?  The key however is in the delivery of the package.  If you can imagine how many people submit on the number of websites available, for your project to make the impact it needs to capture the investors you wish, you should need to have a dynamic project that reels them in right away.
Some of the tips we have found online I list here for our edification and as a point that we will assess as we put our own crowdfunding project together.
1.       Keep it short in timeframe. You want to create project that you intend to solicit for only a short period of time.  It should be more than 30 days.
·         Budget – know your numbers as they say on Shark Tank. However you need to show your potential investors what they are getting into financially.  At the end of the day, your project has to be profitable and needs to show where and how.
·         Be cautious of how much money you spend on putting your project together.  You want an impact but think logically the overall return on your project.
·         REWARDS – Everyone wants to get something out of their investment.  You have to consider incentives.  Incentives can be and should early on for getting involved and it does not always have to be monetary.
·         By all means reach out to people you know…they will support you!
·         Follow up and stay in touch.  Let people know you are out there checking in and looking for responses.  People need to know you are engaged.
So with all that said, we are going to get started.  Our project will be small since typically they are.  I hope to show you in some way the moment with putting a package together and putting in a crowdfunding site.  We can see what happens!
I have a children’s book that I wrote about 5 years ago just after my daughter was born.  She was a preemie born 2lbs and was a ward of the Neonatal Care Unit for about 2 months before she was allowed to come home.  The children’s book dives into the world of a NICU from the perspective of the infant. It is a children’s story for an audience ages 3-5yrs old. The project is to raise money for the production of the book, from publishing, graphic design, marketing and final distribution.

We will use this as our test and go from there.  Let the fun…FUNDING begin!

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Let’s Put the FUN in FUNding!
You know what. I would like to take a pause for the cause for a minute.  As you know my blog is about business matters and all things pertinent to growing your business.  While doing so is helpful, it has only been since some recent occurrences have I found a topic worth discussing.
I have talked to many people about their business and life dreams and it occurs to me…under every cause, purpose and endeavor the underlying theme surfaces.  “I need to make more money.” “I could use someone to invest in what I am doing.”  “There so many things I could do if I had more money to support the business.”   
So let’s get down to the heart of matter.  You have established your business and you are on your way however what are you doing to build yourself as a PROFITABLE SUSTAINABLE BUSINESS?  Sure it is great you are networking and setting up your websites and passing out business cards, but do you know what you need to build yourself as sustainable company.  It is not enough to be profitable but to be sustainable.    Do you know your operating costs and do you know what your costs will be in the future.  And the question of the day…do you know if your business will sustain itself in the years to come or will you need an infusion of cash to do so?  Maybe you will need money to also expand on business strategy?  May be you want to expand your business in the next 5 or so years?  Do you know how on track you are to getting there?  Have you planned how you are going to get there?
Too many questions and so little time, right?  Well for today’s blog I want to focus on one small aspect of building your strategy and obtaining the funds you need to support your vision.  Recently there have been many topics on raising funds and capital for building a business.  While some have relied on traditional forms of securing money, many SBOs are not always fortunate to be able to refer to those avenues.  Perhaps they are tapped on their credit line, maybe they just lack expertise in the area of investing and finances to know the options available. 
Today a hot topic has been crowdfunding, an outsource that is becoming more widely available to small business owners looking to raise money for their businesses.  It has been around for a while but in the wake of the number of budding entrepreneurs it is vastly becoming more of a common practice.
Small business owners use this method of outreach from gaining input on ideas and feedback on business ventures to request financial support from folks interested enough to back the idea with money.  Both SBOS and investors use crowdfunding for engaging in equity leveraging which of course benefits both parties in the end.   The nice idea about this approach is it allows for securing capital via less traditional methods.
Now of course having said that, the KEY is paramount that you vision as the opportune business for someone to invest in.   The key is to show to anyone interested in your business, particularly if you looking for investors, that your idea, business or project is and will prove to be sustainable and best of all profitable.   Therefore the KEY is to be steadfast and KNOW YOUR BUSINESS and to be transparent and forthcoming with how you intend to make it a business worth the investment.
For purposes of illustrating how effective these points are, for the purpose of this blog I will be taking you through the growing stages of a business owner not only presenting an idea but how she will leverage herself as a successful crowd funder presenter.   We will take you through each step and misstep and discuss what to do and NOT to do to build the most successfully project for your potential investors.
The business idea will be centered around an idea – where it all starts.  
STEP ONE….choosing the right platform.
Choose the right crowdfunding platform. Make sure the site you choose meets your particular needs, including the right type of product or service, the type of rewards or equity you can give, the amount of money you can raise and the amount you need to raise before receiving anything.
Nonequity crowdfunding is soliciting money for a benefit other than equity: the pre-sale of products, invitations to special events, recognition as a sponsor, small gifts.
This can be a great way to make money before you've developed or finalized your new invention without giving up any ownership.
Equity crowdfunding is soliciting money from a large number of individuals in return for small amounts of stock in the new company.
Do not offer up part of your company unless you are truly committed to doing so.  Equity is very attractive incentive for an investor so if you promote it, they will come.   So be certain this is the avenue you wish to go.
It is important to really think this through.  You want to do your research and be certain as to which platform you choose.   Remember you are presenting your idea to a potential investor and the last thing you want to be seen as someone that changes up and does not seem to know what direction to take.
Now Forbes lists the Top 10 sites to which you should look into each as well to see if it speaks to the platform you want to build.  Take the time to look into each one.  Look to see what others are doing on the site; how they are presenting themselves and more importantly which one are gaining attention.


Kickstarter is a site where creative projects raise donation-based funding. These projects can range from new creative products, like an art installation, to a cool watch, to pre-selling a music album. It’s not for businesses, causes, charities, or personal financing needs.
2. Indiegogo
Indiegogo approves donation-based fundraising campaigns for most anything — music, hobbyists, personal finance needs, charities and whatever else you could think of (except investment).
3. Crowdfunder is the platform for raising investment (not rewards), and has a one of the largest and fastest growing network of investors.
4. RocketHub
Rockethub powers donation-based funding for a wide variety of creative projects.
5. Crowdrise
Crowdrise is a place for donation-based funding for Causes and Charity.
6. Somolend
Somolend is a site for lending for small businesses in the US, providing debt-based investment funding to qualified businesses with existing operations and revenue.
7. appbackr
If you want to build the next new mobile app and are seeking donation-based funding to get things off the ground or growing, then check out 
appbackr and their niche community for mobile app development.
8. Angel List
If you’re a tech startup with a shiny lead investor already signed on, or looking for Silicon Valley momentum, then there are angels and institutions finding investments through 
Angel List.
You might want to create your own crowdfunding community to support donation-based fundraising for a specific group or niche in the market.
10. Quirky
If you’re an inventor, maker, or tinkerer of some kind then 
Quirky is a place to collaborate and crowdfund for donation-based funding with a community of other like-minded folks. Their site digs deeper into helping the process of bringing an invention or product to life, allowing community participation in the process.

So for the purpose of this blog, I am going to check into each one and report back based on our project.
So excited to get started. See you next BLOG!

Leslie Crudup for the Business Liaisons – Business and Life Coaching

Tuesday, June 10, 2014


If you are already in business then you know about branding.  You also know that your logo or tag line is only an extension of what is considered your brand.  Your brand is you.  Your brand represents your business from a perspective of a customer.  What do they expect from you and do they see in you as a business they wish to engage.  Think of it as…what will they say about me once they have had the experience?  This ties together your brand in a nutshell.
1) Who are you? (Brand Identity)
2) What are you? (Brand Meaning)
3) What about you? What do I think or feel about you? (Brand Responses)
4) What about you and me? What kind of association and how much of a connection would I like to have with you? (Brand Relationships)
All go hand in hand to develop your business brand in full scope. It is never just about a slogan or logo or look.
To build your brand you have to start with the self-analysis.  Look at yourself and your business and ask yourself what do you want to be remember for from your customer?  Is it exemplary customer service?  Timeliness and efficiency? Will you be a fun and engaging client? What are your core values and how do you intend to share that with your audience?
Identify your customer.  You can’t be all things but if you picture your ideal customer then they will give you an idea of where your business aligns.  Their needs are your needs.  Instead, it’s about building an entity that will resonate with your customers and keep them coming back again and again—even when there’s no deal or promotion to entice them. 
There are plenty of tools out there that can help you identify your target audience, including products from comScoreNielsenGoogle and Compete. Tools such as these allow you to learn more about your audience, including gender, age, marital status, household income, and locale.
Another keys is to be consistent and integrate your brand through everything you do in the name of your business.  If you are about being on time then be timely in responding to customers online, offline and where and however else.  You are about integrity and precision, then be precise in your approach to your service and your product.  Be meticulous.  You want to be the right brand with the right customer.
§  A good brand promise combines fulfilling your customer’s need with your team’s passion.
§  A good brand personality is authentic to your organization, attractive to your target customer and consistently delivered.

I am sure you can think of some power brands, businesses that deliver not just in a name or slogan but in an experience.    Starbucks, McDonalds, Disney….

The next time you are looking at a company name ask yourself what those companies found in developing their brand.  Imagine yourself going thru the same exercise and you will be your way to building a killer brand yourself.  Take your time to research..deep dive into it. You want to be do it right….the 1st time if at all possible.  A couple of quotes on branding that resonate the final word. 

Most great brands, at their core, are both authentic and honest. That’s why people fall in love with them or become passionate.”
Rege Sabol
principal, FSC 
“For a brand to be good, something has to be tangible. It’s about the way people have been treated or the service they’ve been provided, so consumers can say, ‘The company has done right by me.’ People might pay more for it because of this peace of mind.”
Ned Show

“Behind every brand is a compelling idea that captures the attention and loyalty of its target audience by filling an unmet need. Hiring a little green gecko with a British accent doesn’t hurt either.”
Meade Johnson

Leslie Crudup for the Business Liaisons – Business and Life Coaching

Monday, May 26, 2014

Win or Fail…Its All Good!

Here's the key!

In business, as business owners there is often a lot of pressure upon us, right?  Every decision we make can either make or break our company…so we think?  It can be as simple as signing an invoice for merchandise we don’t know if we need, to implementing an idea that we are not sure is going to work?  And then do these decisions work in alignment with our VISION and MISSION?  Does it fall in line with the SMART goals we set?  Do we need to reevaluate the decision in front of us or do we reevaluate the entire VISION?  Too many questions and not enough answers.

We talked about FEAR – Facing Everything About Resisting

We know it exists but we know now that this is a constant so we are going to move on from that. We have tackled that bully!   Right now you have to make a decision based on a smart goals you have set.  It sometimes easier said than done.  It is all written on paper but now comes the time for implementation.  And sometimes it is the smallest step but the most significant.  To top it off, you have get going one way or the other because time is of the essence.
So here what we need to do?  Here comes another acronym that you may have seen in developing your business plan.  Well it comes in handy here as well.  With every decision you embark on you should consider its SWOT. 

Strength    What is good about the decision?  Is this going to bring you closer to what you want to accomplish in the long run.  This 1st step for instance to incorporate your company.  This will protect you from liability and finalize your commitment to this venture.  We know filing the paper work is one of the smart goals now to put pen the paper.

Weakness   What is the worst that can happen?  If this doesn’t work then what would be the fall out? Plan your plan B now…you don’t always want to think the worse but for two minutes…just think what is the worst that can happen and how will you recover.  The worse in this case, you change you change your mind and you are out of the funding for filing the paperwork.

Opportunities What is going to come out this? How wonderful is this going to be for your company?  What are the possibilities once this decision is made and followed through?  Becoming incorporated puts you on the map as a legitimate business and protects from liability and provides tax benefits. This is huge.  Will this make you do a happy dance?

Threats Who and what can come in and jeopardize your business from this decision? Identify specifically those issues, people, places and things that can hurt or sabotage this decision follow through.  Know who your opponents are so you can seek and destroy… (she smiles).

IMPORTANT!  You are NOT ALONE!  Every business has the same conflict; Fortune 500 companies to the corner store manager.  I can advise you….you will ALWAYS have these type of decisions to make…isn’t that comforting?  But that is okay because you have decided to build this business because you believe it in…because you have a vision and it is clear to you.  Use this method and then use some of your gut.  Go with your inner thoughts as well but it never hurts to seek insight from trusted resources as well.  When in doubt, when going through your SWOT…RESEARCH!  Find out what others have done in the same process and network with like minds, knowledge is power and there NOTHING wrong with asking!  The worse question is the one you don’t ask.   It may work or it may fail.  The key is to identify from each WIN and FAIL…what is the lesson learned.  Each decision you make regardless will help you advance to the next level.  That which makes us stronger…REMEMBER THAT!  And remember a fail is a win because in it is a lesson!

Next Blog – Branding 101!
Leslie Crudup for the Business Liaisons – Business and Life Coaching

Monday, May 12, 2014


You are SMARTER than you think!

Every business owner has a dream right?  The big vision!  The ultimate plan to develop and build a successful business venture that will then answer all of our wishes.   Building this business will clear you from debt? Take you on the much needed vacation.  Secure financing for children’s education and livelihood.   Maybe your dream is to be stress free just doing something you love.  To be able to control your own hours so you can walk on the beach whenever you want?  Or have the time to spend with your family more often.


Vague has not place here.  You have to be detailed in what it is you want or you are sure to miss the target.  Goals should be specific so you can focus your efforts on obtaining detailed and expected results.  Details leave


You can’t tell where you are going unless you know where you have been.  It is not just important to focus on a goal but to be able to tell if you are on track with them.  Your main goal is always made up of mini short term goals. Know what they are so you can give yourself credit for each and every accomplishment.


Goals have to be attainable.  Sometimes from a distance we can’t always see if this is the case.  This is why it is important to continually assess if the goal you have is one that you can really obtain. This is where you may need to reevaluate what your skills are, or maybe your finances or anything that you will need readily to reach your goal.


Let’s be for real…really.  Let’s be for real!  Goals have to be realistic. It is okay to give ourselves challenges but we don’t want to set up for failure either. It is important to set goals that are realistic, however, not necessarily so simple that they will pose no challenge.


Timeliness is next to accomplishment!  It is all about timing and putting an end date to each task so you can assure yourself the final goal is on its way.  When we fail to set a time to things, we are more easily persuaded to move them out.  We don’t really commit and a goal just continues to get further away from us.  Challenge yourself to use time to keep on track.  Here is where being realistic goes hand in hand with being timely as well.

SMART Goals work for any goal, personal or business. Below is an example of a SMART Goal in action.


Broad Goal: I want to start a business.

  • Specific: I will sell handmade cards through
  • Measurable: I will be ready to take my first Etsy order within four weeks, and I will aim to sell a minimum of five cards per week.
  • Attainable: I will get set up on Etsy first. Then, I will build an inventory of 30 handmade cards to sell. Finally, I will promote my business and build customer relationships through word of mouth, referrals and local networking.
  • Realistic: Selling handmade cards will allow me to benefit financially from my favorite hobby.
  • Timely: My Etsy store will be up and running within four weeks, and I will have an inventory of 30 cards to sell within six weeks.

How did I write my SMART goals.

1)     I started writing down what I would like to do with my life in the next year. I wrote down anything and everything so I could get my thoughts down on paper.  I mixed business and personal and had a brainstorming session.

2)     I then categorized them – just labeled each one personal or business.  You can even highlight the personal in one color and the other in another. 

3)     I then crossed off those goals that I knew REALISTICALLY would or could take me longer then the timeframe that I sent.  E.g. You are not being realistic if you think you are going to lose 100 lbs. in 3 months.

4)     I rewrote my goals on two different documents – One for personal and one for business.

5)     Now this part takes time but if you want to seriously make the achievement you have to dedicate the thought process up front so it is attainable.

6)     I took each goal and attempted to supply the SMART techniques.  For each goal, ask yourself. Is it specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and timely?  If yes, the goal stays, if not then you need to cross it off or update it.

7)     THE MOST IMPORTANT PIECE.  MAKE THEM VISIBLE so you see them every day. I literally tape mine to my lamp on my desk so I have to read them.   But you can make them your screensaver, put them on your refrigerator or tape next to your VISION board or calendar!  You want to have them where you are FORCED to see them and respond to them.  This way you will not fall victim to OUT OF SIGHT, OUT OF MND.

It does not matter if there are more personal than business goals or vice versa. The important thing if they are in front of you now and hitting you on the head every day. 

SMART GOALS are not so set in stone either.  It is perfectly okay and actually preferred that you visit your smart goals often, say every other week or month.   Do you want to change it entirely?  Not necessarily but it is okay to TWEEK it if need be.  Sometimes right out the gate you can be ambitious and then the 1st week in realize the task at hand.  Perfectly natural BECAUSE no ONE is perfect.   The key is to take action and get moving on them.  If you fall, get up and if you need to realign the strategy, that is fine too.

I also HIGHLY recommend documenting….write in a journal or audio.  I know writing is more therapeutic but if you are pressed just refer to audio.  Express your accomplishments and challenges whenever you can.   You have to be your own cheerleader. ALWAYS!

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Tapping into Fear!

Welcome to my blog!  I am excited about having the opportunity to learn more about you. Yes my blog is about business and about building dreams, your dreams!  What are some of the items you have always wanted to chime in on about learning and growing a successful business?  I hope if I can share with you what I am going through it will inspire you to do the same.

My blogs are short and to the point but I hope to give you something valuable with which you will walk away and be empowered.

"Courage isn't the absence of fear -- it's moving through fear," says Marti MacGibbon, a motivational speaker and the author of Never Give in to Fear.

One important lesson I have learned in building my own business has been getting rid of FEAR!  Now I am sure there are many acronyms for the word and I am sure they are all valid. But here’s my thing. I found out what it means to me. 

 Facing Everything About Resisting! 

Sums it up for me because I know how often I resist moving forward and I can procrastinate like the best of them. I know it is only because I have told myself that I can’t do something. I have convinced myself that what I want to do is unattainable.  I admit it, I am my own worst enemy.  Who is with me?

But I will tell you that once I identified FEAR, I made a conscious step to walk around it.  It was as if as soon as I saw that wall coming I reverted my direction.  Sounds silly but think about it, we know it when it is coming.  When I decided to go into business coaching, the 1st thing I told myself was I couldn’t because I didn’t think I was  business coach.  WOW!  I can’t tell you how long I wavered and resisted just going with my initial thought.  Time passed. YES TIME YOU CAN’T GET BACK. And then someone actually said to me…you should go into coaching!!  Now why did it take me so long!!  I was resisting because I didn’t think I was capable.  What I didn’t do was FACE it and say let’s try it and see where it goes.  And so here I am.  And what I know now about being on the other side of FEAR is that……IT WASN’T SO BAD!  It looked like a cliff on the other side but after I realized it was just a sizable jump…just my size.

So I talk about FEAR because this is the 1st step to going into business…IDENTIFY what you are resisting and taking claim to FACING it.  Sometimes you have to break things apart, write them down, and look at them on paper.  You should do it…it brings a since of commitment and empowerment to see it written and then to write down how you will overcome it.

If you have thought of going into business OR you are in business and you are stuck. Ask yourself out loud in the shower…What am I afraid of????  You will either be surprised that there isn’t anything really or what it is really is not that bad.

Ways to combat fear are the simplest and I can tell you from experience.  When you are facing an obstacle and concerned about next steps, meditate…take long walks, take a break from the anxiety.  I always say sometimes you have to step out and take a walk around yourself.   It helps establish clarity. 


What are some of your fears when you think of starting or moving forward with your business? 


Is it lack of money?  Become financially savvy about how to save money and more importantly make you money work for you.  If you don’t have time to do it then find a savvy friend that does?

Do you know when to hire or stay in the ONE WOMAN SHOW? Finding friends and family that can help you are a gift, or if you have to have an extra set of hands, contract out, work with interns.


My time is up…I just want to get your feet wet.  I want you to start thinking of what motivates you every day and are you living to your fullest potential?  What is stopping you?  I talk more about entrepreneurship but I really want you think over all.  Is it family and obligations, education and knowledge, time management?

Don’t let FEAR hold you back on any level for anything you want in life.


Thank you for stopping by see you next week!!!