Tuesday, September 15, 2015

The Dog Had Me Committed!!


I am sure writing this I am not alone.  Sometimes you wake up and you already feel as if the wind was taken from your sail…and this is before you get out of bed, right?

Chocolate Chip, my chocolate lab!  Every morning I wake up and I take my dog Chip for a walk.  As soon as I wake up I can hear him as he comes running up the steps over to the side of my bed.  His tag is wailing profusely and he starts jumping on me and trying to lick my hand.   He knows that it is time for his walk. 

Oh BOY, Mommy is up!  He and I have a morning regime.  5:30am every day we take to the darkness to stroll the neighborhood.  This is his time to stretch his legs, take care of his business, and sniff out what is new and to basically get started with his day.  When we come back from our walk he then runs to his bowl for water.  He laps like crazy and then he proceeds to plop down on the dining room floor.  He is very content now.   He could care less if he is in your way.  He watches us in kitchen and I swear I can see a faint smile on his face.  He has given me permission to proceed with my day.   Now if I wake up and I begin to do anything other than reach for his collar he becomes agitated.  He is annoyed because that I am running late and not tending to the matter at hand…his morning walk.   He will nag me like crazy!  He nudges his bowl around, he whimpers, he will even come over to me and kick my knees (eww, right?)  The key is he makes it very obvious that his needs have not been met.  I have to give to him, he is persistent.  He knows what he wants and if he gets it he is happy, if not he lets you know. 

I suppose I should be looking to him for inspiration.  I should be looking to him for the answers to what I need to fulfill my dreams.  If I want something then I need to be persistent about it. I need to be excited and I need to be committed.  I can’t be content if it hasn’t happened.  I look at him when he is begging me to take him out and I do think…oh what a pain.  But you know what….to him, either its’ going to happen or it’s not.  He is committed from the time I wake up to the time we walk out the door.  He is committed when it hasn’t happened as he resorts to antics that persuade me to get the job done.  I have to love him.  Today he is actually the wind in my sail.  He has inspired me to be persistent, don’t give up and stay the course.
THREE THINGS TO REMEMBER to keep the wind beneath your sail.

  • Get up and be thankful you are up! SMILE and be excited because you have the opportunity today to make a difference.
  • Get on with it, map out your day and just stay the course, set your daily objectives (I live by a TO DO LIST).
  • When something is not going the way you foresee it, find a way to make it happen.  You don’t have to beg like Chip but certainly look for plan B to get it done.
  • I can’t believe the dog had me reassessing how I should be persistent with my business.  He showed me tenacity and he should me perseverance. Who knew so much would come from a morning walk! 

It is the simplest of reminders that show us what we need to succeed. Don’t overlook them!

Leslie Crudup writes for The Business Liaisons, LLC – Business Consulting

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