Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Who's Really in Charge Here??

When I say there are levels to this I am not kidding.  It is not enough these days to open up a social media platform and just post to your hearts content.  Today you need and most be more engaging and methodical in how you are going to approach this.  Today’s consumer is ULTRA SAVY!  They are more equipped with knowledge of you before YOU even are aware.   Today the process of the consumer purchasing decisions is more about research and see what others think before I make a purchase.  Sure before a referral here and there but NOW!  Today a consumer can ask the one lonely customer clear across states what his/her experience has been with your product or service.  And we know that carries a ton of weight. Today, one bad experience does have the potential of destroying your business.
So today you have to be in the space. You have to live where your customer lives. You need to breathe them, likes, dislikes, ticks and no ticks (LOL).  What are they talking about and why?  Today as a business owner you are now charged with engaging with what we call INFLUENCERS.  New to the game, not really…just more powerful. 

Today an influencer is a customer that has used your service OR has experienced and observed your service or product in the space of others.  This person is a vocal and present.  They are ready to talk about your business and promote or demote.  They are looking for you to hone in on them as they will certainly hone in on you.

Influencers in the game recognized their power.  They know of the tools they use and the power behind them.  BU that is okay…so long as you are aware too then you can prepare and brace yourself to be there to address, whether negative or positive.
Here are some tips that will help you IDENTIFY as well as ENGAGE the influencers in your space.
Bob Hutchins has an excellent article to gives us VISUAL and DETAIL with regards to where influencers live.  

What forms of social media are the most engaged and what is their basic makeup?  He reminds us that influencers are not typically an influencer by trade, they are day to day people with full time jobs and careers and family. They are basically your customer, whoever they might be!

  • ·         According to Bob Hutchins of  Buzzplant a 12+ year old Internet marketing agency,  influencers spend at least 4 hours a day on social media
  • ·         Instagram is being the largest Social media forum to find and engage the largest majority of influencers
  •  Recognize who the MICRO- influencers are.  As stated influence can be found more with someone you would barely know that has a ton of followers then even some of the biggest celebrities.  Micro-influencer are powerful and should not be underestimated.
  • ·         Engage your influencers by soliciting and creating an environment for them that makes them want to stay with you.  As Jeff Bullas,  Media Marketing Strategist & Speaker,  reminds us too “You never get a second chance to make a first impression”

Another way to remember how to manage your influencers is to ENGAGE!

Empower your influencers
Nurture them and provide them with feedback
Generate content that speaks to them
Allow them to provide feedback
Go the distance for them
Entertain them and be certain to keep relevant conversation

The key is to be present and in the space of your influencers.  What I encourage is that you do not feel intimidated by them, embrace them and make them part your company.  Include them and make them part of your brand.   They will appreciate that you appreciate them and you will then see them committed to being there with you, letting you know honestly where you are succeeding and failing.  They will be your biggest advocate as you recognize the power of what might seem like a small space. 

The one thing brands don’t understand about influencer marketing is how much time it really takes to integrate, promote, photograph and engage your audience organically. Great social takes time." Jeff Bullas
For more information on how you can find out WHO your influencers are, where they live and suggestions on how to engage them, reach out to us; The Business Liaisons, LLC; lcrudup@thebusinessliaisons.com or look for us on Facebook, Linked In and Twitter!  We are out there with you!

The Business Liaisons on FACEBOOK
Check out the two articles for more information as well!!

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