Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Tapping into Fear!

Welcome to my blog!  I am excited about having the opportunity to learn more about you. Yes my blog is about business and about building dreams, your dreams!  What are some of the items you have always wanted to chime in on about learning and growing a successful business?  I hope if I can share with you what I am going through it will inspire you to do the same.

My blogs are short and to the point but I hope to give you something valuable with which you will walk away and be empowered.

"Courage isn't the absence of fear -- it's moving through fear," says Marti MacGibbon, a motivational speaker and the author of Never Give in to Fear.

One important lesson I have learned in building my own business has been getting rid of FEAR!  Now I am sure there are many acronyms for the word and I am sure they are all valid. But here’s my thing. I found out what it means to me. 

 Facing Everything About Resisting! 

Sums it up for me because I know how often I resist moving forward and I can procrastinate like the best of them. I know it is only because I have told myself that I can’t do something. I have convinced myself that what I want to do is unattainable.  I admit it, I am my own worst enemy.  Who is with me?

But I will tell you that once I identified FEAR, I made a conscious step to walk around it.  It was as if as soon as I saw that wall coming I reverted my direction.  Sounds silly but think about it, we know it when it is coming.  When I decided to go into business coaching, the 1st thing I told myself was I couldn’t because I didn’t think I was  business coach.  WOW!  I can’t tell you how long I wavered and resisted just going with my initial thought.  Time passed. YES TIME YOU CAN’T GET BACK. And then someone actually said to me…you should go into coaching!!  Now why did it take me so long!!  I was resisting because I didn’t think I was capable.  What I didn’t do was FACE it and say let’s try it and see where it goes.  And so here I am.  And what I know now about being on the other side of FEAR is that……IT WASN’T SO BAD!  It looked like a cliff on the other side but after I realized it was just a sizable jump…just my size.

So I talk about FEAR because this is the 1st step to going into business…IDENTIFY what you are resisting and taking claim to FACING it.  Sometimes you have to break things apart, write them down, and look at them on paper.  You should do it…it brings a since of commitment and empowerment to see it written and then to write down how you will overcome it.

If you have thought of going into business OR you are in business and you are stuck. Ask yourself out loud in the shower…What am I afraid of????  You will either be surprised that there isn’t anything really or what it is really is not that bad.

Ways to combat fear are the simplest and I can tell you from experience.  When you are facing an obstacle and concerned about next steps, meditate…take long walks, take a break from the anxiety.  I always say sometimes you have to step out and take a walk around yourself.   It helps establish clarity. 


What are some of your fears when you think of starting or moving forward with your business? 


Is it lack of money?  Become financially savvy about how to save money and more importantly make you money work for you.  If you don’t have time to do it then find a savvy friend that does?

Do you know when to hire or stay in the ONE WOMAN SHOW? Finding friends and family that can help you are a gift, or if you have to have an extra set of hands, contract out, work with interns.


My time is up…I just want to get your feet wet.  I want you to start thinking of what motivates you every day and are you living to your fullest potential?  What is stopping you?  I talk more about entrepreneurship but I really want you think over all.  Is it family and obligations, education and knowledge, time management?

Don’t let FEAR hold you back on any level for anything you want in life.


Thank you for stopping by see you next week!!!


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